This Little Anne Family Pack includes and adult, junior and baby manikin with QCPR feedback with light skin.
This Little Family Pack contains an adult, junior and baby CPR manikin with QCPR feedback and dark skin
Little Baby QCPR Manikin (Light Skin) from Laerdal
Laerdal Little Junior 4 Pack
Laerdal Little Junior QCPR Pack of 4 Manikins
Includes 10 individual manikins
Little Anne QCPR allows an instructor to monitor up to six learners at the same time using the QCPR training app. Product estimated expected availability after 18/09/2024
Little Anne QCPR with dark skin PRODUCT AVAILABILITY EXPECTED 03/10/2024
Laerdal Little Baby QCPR - 4 pack Dark Skin
Laerdal Little Baby QCPR Manikin 4 Pack (Light Skin)
Laerdal Little Baby QCPR Manikin
Designed to meet the anotomical differences found in children Junior has feedback technology.
Little Junior QCPR with dark skin provides realistic training with feedback.
Single Laerdal Mini Annie Unicolour Manikin